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S-Cinetone to Arri Alexa Colors

The S-Cinetone to Arri Alexa Colors camera setting was developed specifically for the Sony A7SIII using an Arri Alexa camera. The setting works in-camera with the Sony A7SIII.

The custom S-Cinetone color setting is designed to transform the Sony camera's colors into those of the Arri Alexa in-camera, providing users with a quick and efficient way to achieve the sought-after Arri Alexa color look. This means that video footage can be captured with excellent colors, smooth highlight roll-off, and flattering skin tones without the need for extensive post-production color grading.

The S-Cinetone to Arri Alexa Colors setting is particularly useful for video productions that require a fast turnaround time, as it saves time on post-production color grading. It is also a popular choice for modern video productions, as the Arri Alexa look has become a go-to aesthetic for many filmmakers.

The S-Cinetone to Arri Alexa Colors setting is available for download now, and its compatibility with the Sony A7SIII making it an extremely useful tool for videographers looking to achieve a high-quality, professional look without the need for extensive post-production work.


This preset is available immmediately after payment and includes the following:


  • DAT file and instructions on how to load onto your Sony A7S III camera.


Fast track your video editing today with the S-Cinetone to Arri Alexa Colors preset for the Sony A7SIII.